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At Nourished, our purpose is to meet you where you are along your journey and support you in reaching your health goals.

We build on your resilience, your knowledge, and your motivation to find a way of eating that feels naturally in balance with your lifestyle.  By understanding your relationship with food and gaining self-awareness, you can uncover a lifelong feeling of agency. 



Monterey, CA

"I scheduled an appointment with Connie after realizing I didn't want to diet anymore.  She supported me in making my own meal choices and moving away from emotional eating. "

Salinas, CA

"Connie is a knowledgeable dietician! She is a pleasure to be around and I enjoy talking with her about nutrition. She breaks down the science and makes things easy to understand."

Retired Teachers Association

"Thank you for your excellent presentation.  We enjoyed it and learned from it"


Mindful Moment...

The present decisions we make around food are rooted in our past.  We must remember they took a lifetime to form and building a healthy relationship with food requires self-awareness and patience. Our childhood, family culture, life experiences, and values have all influenced our food choices.  Let's begin to listen to our bodies again and take back what were always meant to have, wellness.     

Scoop of Ice Cream
My Philosophy
Fruit Sandwiches

My Philosophy...

"Diet" is a buzz word

promoted by diet culture,

prioritizing thinness over health. 


Weight loss diets are restrictive. Rather than encouraging a healthy relationship with food, they remove foods you enjoy. They are often unpleasant, costly and sometimes unpalatable. Although they may end in weight loss, ultimately research shows many (~93% of people) gain back what they lost and sometimes more over the next 1-2 years. 


Weight cycling negatively impacts our bodies, our hormones, physiology, emotions, and reeks havoc on our self-image and interpersonal relationships.  Life's too short to suffer in this way. 

Sharing what and when we eat can feel vulnerable.  We want you to have a compassionate, insightful and positive experience.  We want you to create life-long changes. Together we will improve your relationship with food by creating a basic foundation of knowledge around what your body needs.  We will learn to be mindful when shopping, planning, preparing, and eating meals.  We will practice being kind and compassionate with ourselves around how we made decisions in the past and practice cultivating new patterns of selfcare in the present. I believe we can all be in place where we feel free to make food choices without guilt and shame. Choices that both support our body and mind. 

Healthy Pizza
Meet Connie

My Purpose......

"To cultivate and empower my client's confidence around having choice, forming a positive relationship with food, and feeling nourished."

     Growing up, I wasn't immune to diet culture and society's focus on thinness.  We are all influenced by social norms.  But after becoming aware, we can learn to build healthy boundaries around what we hear, read, and experience. 

     I'm happy you've found my page. Whether you are motivated or feeling hopeless, today you are clearly curious, open-minded, and aware that your current food choices and behaviors may no longer be serving you. 

My Bio

My Experience...

Connie Hurlbert, MS, RDN, CDCES is a registered dietitian nutritionist, health and wellness coach, certified diabetes care and education specialist, and proprietor of Nourished Nutrition Coaching. Her office is located in Monterey, CA.

Since completing her training at Yale-New Haven Hospital more than 15 years ago, she has been providing nutrition education to prevent and treat chronic diseases and support whole health and wellness.  Connie received her credential as a diabetes specialist in 2012. In addition to her nutrition expertise, Connie trained as a health and wellness coach to empower her clients to discover self-confidence and internal motivation.  She has spoken at the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics annual conference and has contributed in both local speaking events and public radio interviews.

  • Member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

    • Weight Management DPG​

    • Women's Health DPG

    • Diabetes DPG

    • Nutrition Entrepreneurs DPG

During her first pregnancy, Connie connected with and found local support in the Birth Network of Monterey.  She has since had two wonderful pregnancies with the help of a local doula and truly believes women thrive with support.  She understands and values "women supporting women" and has subsequently focused on specializing in women’s health to support our local community. She works with women throughout all life stages. She is also up to date with the connection between the nervous system regulation and our gut, which ultimately effects how we digest food.  It's important you find a dietitian who you can trust and feel comfortable sharing your real authentic self with is your next step to feeling better, hopefully I will speak with your soon!

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